This is a project that has been ongoing for months, with the odd little bit of progress made every so often. However, the weekend saw some decisive action and the final touches have now been made to the livery and a generous coating of gloss varnish applied (Alclad2 Klear Kote Gloss). With just the decals (from
Precision Decals) and sealing clear coat to follow before reassembly, the end is finally is sight. Below is a small selection of images showing the paint job progressing over the past few months.
This has been my first foray into G scale repaints and it's certainly proved to be something of a learning exercise. The main problem has been the fact that the model will not fit inside my fume extraction booth, so I've had to take extra precautions to avoid the harmful enamel fumes while also finding somewhere safe to store it whilst each coat dried, away from any dust; my OO stuff simply sits in a box within the spray booth!
I usually prefer to airbrush a priming coat but not in this scale - car aerosol primer did the trick, although it needed rubbing down to a smooth finish when dry. Three coats were used, taking up an entire large can...
Colas yellow is a tricky shade to match and I ended up mixing my own, adding a little white to Railmatch Network Rail yellow.
The orange was easier - Loadhaul orange, again from Railmatch...
Satin black then followed...
Another new experience was lining-out the cantrail stripe - in OO it takes but a few minutes to do a full loco, but this whopper took a lot longer!
The big 66 takes up nearly my whole workbench...
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