The humble Peco plastic bufferstop kit is available in several styles and in many different scales. With a modest amount of work, they can look great.
With copies of MR160 now on general sale, may I present a few extra images to expand on this month's Bufferstop Supertest. Below is a Fleischmann N gauge 'stop block', that has been Anglicised from its original European style, by simply cutting away the moulded warning panel and repainting in Humbrol 'bufferbeam red', with the essential white stripe across the headstock.
As I mentioned on pg.76 of MR160, the Fleischmann stops in HO/OO and N are excellent and both can be modified easily to suit modern British layouts. With its shock-absorbing trolley behind, and sited just ahead of the end of the siding, the red structure now makes for an eye-ctaching and authentic feature on my contemporary N gauge diorama.

The Fleischmann N gauge modern buffer stop is ideal for 21st Century layouts. Available from www.ontracks.co.uk.
The DIY solution! A scrap sleeper chained across the rails was a common sight at railway backwaters in steam days...... Just needs a Stop board on the rail and would still be today ok well in 2012 when the Stone yard at Bishop's Stortford was still there.