Hillsborough Petition needs your support

Apologies for the non-railway theme of this post but I feel moved to urge readers of my Blog to put their names to an e-petition on the Government's website. Started by This Is Anfield.com’s Brian Irvine, it has just reached over 100,000 names, only a week or so after being launched. While this is enough to oblige the Government to discuss acting upon it, I must stress that it doesn't force them to do anything about it. Therefore, getting as many names on the petition as possible will strengthen the case for the disclosure of secret files that document discussions held by the Thatcher Government in the aftermath of the disaster in 1989.
They may reveal a cover up by the authorities, or they may reveal nothing much at all, but the fact that they've been withheld for over 20years is a source of anguish for all those touched by the tragedy. There are still many families of the 96 fans who were killed who still don't know how or when their loved ones perished, as the coroner enforced a common time of death, when there is strong evidence that some of those were still alive up to an hour later.
There are so many unanswered questions from that day and subsequent inquiry and it's hoped that these documents will at least shed some light on events, or at least the prevailing attitude within the Government and the police force. The petition has the support of many important voices within the sport, media and the wider society. Perhaps most notably, Liverpool's manager Kenny Dalglish, who was in charge when the disaster took place, has lent his support to the campaign, saying “Please sign this petition. It is very important that we support this.”
Plenty of former (and present) Reds players and names from other clubs, have also lent their support.BBC’s Football Focus presenter Dan Walker wrote “Doesn’t matter whether you support LFC or not. The families of the 96 deserve to know the truth.” And fellow BBC presenter Gaby Logan added “Please find time – The families of the 96 deserve to know the truth.” Even the Government's independent Information Commissioner, Christopher Graham, has ruled that these papers must be seen by the public, yet Mr Cameron is not very keen on the idea.
So, please just take a moment to put your name on the petition, by clicking HERE or going to:
All you have to do is fill in a very short form, then click on a link in an email that will be sent to you to verify your email address. Your details are kept secret and not disclosed to anyone.
Thank you.
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