The ‘Ultimate 37’ that YOU could own!

In a follow up to a number of previous Blog postings, here’s a small selection of images left over from the ‘Ultimate Class 37’ feature that appears in the latest issue of Model Rail (MR160). With 30 illustrated step-by-step instructions, it’s probably the most comprehensive guide to upgrading the Bachmann 37 yet to appear in print and gives a flavour of what can be achieved by using a handful of Shawplan and PH Designs detailing parts and about 20hours of enjoyable work.
The Bachmann model, probably the best ready-to-run ‘37’ yet, is actually a limited edition run of BR blue 37003, produced on behalf of the Class 37 Locomotive Group. You can buy your own factory-spec limited edition model, or alternatively you can send a sealed bid to win this super-detailed and weathered loco, with all funds going towards the restoration of the real 37003.
It’s been a joy to work on this model and I hope whoever wins the auction enjoys running the model on their layout (or regarding it on a shelf!). It’s always a nice feeling when a restoration group can raise some much-needed funds from selling a bespoke model. Let’s hope the real 37003 is soon restored to full order so that she can be enjoyed by enthusiasts for years to come.
For full details of how to bid for the model or to order your own Bachmann model – or just to drool over loads of lovely images of real ‘37s’ - simply go to

The cab interiors were upgraded and weathered – an important step as the model is fitted with interior illumination.

With distressed and weathered bodywork, I’ve aimed to create a typical mid-1970s condition blue ‘37’, complete with radiator grille covers and steam heating equipment.
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