My little N gauge layout is taking shape rapidly. Spending just an hour or so every other day has seen much progress since last week. I'm certainly learning a few lessons about working scenically in a smaller scale, not least with ballasting and creating landforms that, in OO would be acceptable but, in N, is like creating huge mounds of earth that no human could possibly traverse.
I thought I'd have a go with 2mm scale as a way of learning new skills, but also to assess how attractive a change of gauge would be, not least as space is becoming a real issue at the moment.
The Peco tunnel mouth looks great with a decent paint job and the inside is fully lined with Slaters embossed Plastikard.
I thought I'd have a go with 2mm scale as a way of learning new skills, but also to assess how attractive a change of gauge would be, not least as space is becoming a real issue at the moment.
The next stage is to finish assembling the twin fiddle yards at each end, connect the wiring and test everything before the scenery is completed. I've a small pile of buildings, figures and animals to paint away from the layout, too. Along with some splendid tractors and farm implements from the Langley Models range.
The backscene also needs assembling. This will also be new ground for me, as I'm experimenting with a curved backdrop to eliminate any dark shadows, etc. It's all good fun.
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