Here are the latest CAD images of the ‘OO’ gauge Sentinel locomotive being designed and produced for Model Rail magazine by Dapol. These have been sent out to those readers who have already registered interest in the venture, but I thought I'd post them here as well. We're very excited about this venture and, to ensure the Sentinel is as accurate as possible, the Model Rail team are inviting comment on how the computer mock-ups look. If anyone would like to make a comment, contact Ben Jones at

The mechanism has been designed to be as unobtrusive as possible without compromising running quality or robustness and Dapol has now confirmed that the model will be available with at least three body variants – with four, two or no cab ventilation grilles. We are also currently investigating the options for chimneys and tank fillers. No delivery date or price has yet been confirmed, but Model Rail will keep readers updated as soon as this vital information is available.

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