SNCF 231G brings back memories

I've been up in the attic this weekend, sifting through the never-ending boxes of junk. Unexpectedly, I came across a HO scale SNCF 231G 4-6-2 (a DJH kit), that I built for the first issue of Model Rail International (April 2005), in the days when it was offered as an occasional supplement within the main MR magazine.
I’d only been in my job at Model Rail for a couple of months when Ben and Chris presented me with this highly complex metal kit. They both had a glint in their eyes when they said I only had a couple of weeks in which to build it. Perhaps it was trial by fire…
Anyway, it was a joy to build, although it’s never been out of the box since undergoing final testing and running-in on the old TTF office layout in Peterborough. After sitting for its portrait photographs, it was packed away and forgotten about. It was a nice surprise to discover it again after 6 years and it's now sitting on a shelf until I find somewhere safer to keep it…

Built at my office desk at Model Rail's HQ over 4 weeks around the turn of 2004/5, this DJH kit was a test of my ability just after starting at the magazine. The plumbing alone took a few days.

Did you ever get it painted? Wouldn't mind seeing it on a run...